EMDR Therapy

A special therapy for those suffering from trauma or PTSD…

1221758086It’s sad, but…

In today’s world, all too many people, likely including you, have experienced trauma that can snowball into PTSD or other disorders.

Trauma slams its way into the minds, emotions, and bodies of first responders, police officers, military service members or veterans, rape victims, and other crime victims.

And it can devastate those who have been physically or mentally abused, abandoned, or neglected.

Untreated, that trauma can rob you of your confidence and joy as your life becomes smaller and smaller.

Racing thoughts and painful memories…

They’re the hallmarks of trauma.

And they can completely hinder you from living in the moment and enjoying your life as you once did.

If you’ve suffered from trauma, you’re often on guard, feel panicky, or have a sense of impending doom.

A traumatized mind will convince you that something awful could happen again at any moment.

If you’re like most people with trauma…

You’ve tried to get help, but it didn’t really work.

Or you’ve been reluctant to try therapy for trauma because you feel defeated and doubt that anything could help you get your life back.

Over time, hopelessness and pessimism have overcome you like an emotional tidal wave of despair.

1988851913EMDR therapy is something different.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was discovered and developed by Francine Shapiro in the 1980s, and scientific research has repeatedly validated it as an effective treatment. It’s related to “systematic desensitization,” which you may have heard of for treating phobias.

EMDR and systematic desensitization encourage clients to discuss their traumatic memories while “reprocessing the memories” or “desensitizing their effects” using relaxation and grounding techniques.

Despite its rather long and confusing name, the actual implementation of EMDR is straightforward and effective – for both practitioners and their clients.

Here’s how it works…

Shapiro’s breakthrough came with the discovery that bilateral brain stimulation while processing traumatic memories improved therapeutic outcomes. I know that “bilateral brain stimulation” is a fancy term that sounds a bit mystical, but it’s simple and easy to do.

For example, while processing traumatic memories during an EMDR therapy session, clients hold in each hand a two-inch “buzzer” covered by rubber that emits a quick vibration in the palms of their hands as they rotate it back and forth between their hands.

This device is called a “TheraTapper.” It’s not at all painful, and the client controls the strength, duration, and frequency of the vibrations delivered to the hands. This device creates the bilateral brain stimulation necessary to enhance the therapeutic potency of EMDR.

This technique is also effective online. Instead of using a TheraTapper, the therapist waves their finger back and forth, and the client follows the therapist’s finger with their eyes. This was actually the original technique used by Shapiro and her protégés.

Whether in an office or online, EMDR can give you the results you’ve been looking for when administered by a well-trained trauma therapist.

Emdr Img 3Other things you might want to know…

How long does EMDR therapy take?

As you might expect, EMDR takes longer for those with more severe trauma and complications (e.g., relationship, career, anger, or substance issues).

That said, most start to notice improvements within 6 to 8 sessions, particularly if they do the recommended homework assignments. These might include trying to go out in public or socializing more, challenging your negative thoughts, or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. These activities can push you out of a stay-safe-and-maintain mindset toward one that’s more growth-oriented.

How do you measure success?

Success in EMDR therapy is measured by clients’ self-reports on how they’re feeling and doing. These questionnaires are designed to accurately measure a full range of trauma symptoms, including panic attacks, nightmares, social and behavioral avoidance, insomnia, low mood states, irritability, paranoia, and trust issues.

Here’s the bottom line…

EMDR works, particularly if you’re willing to do the work between sessions.

It’s a truly transformative tool, helping you get back in touch with your strengths and maintain a solution-focused perspective where you’ll say, “Nothing can stop me from the life I was meant to lead!”

So… ready to get your life back?

Give me a call for your free consultation. Let’s see if EMDR is right for you: (610) 209-8571.